AdditionsPlus General Permissions

Permission Description
additions.createsigns Ability to create custom additions signs
additions.removesigns Ability to remove custom additions signs
additions.colorsigns Ability to use color codes (&) on signs
additions.coloranvils Ability to use color codes (&) in anvils

AdditionsPlus Commands & Perms

Command Description Permission
Main Command (/additions)
/additions Main command additions.command
/additions togglescoreboard Toggle the player scoreboard additions.command.togglescoreboard
/additions menus List of registered menus additions.command.menus
/additions books List of registered books additions.command.books
/additions commands List of registered commands additions.command.commands
/additions items List of registered items additions.command.items
/additions reload Reload the plugin files additions.command.reload
/additions giveitem <item> [player] Give an item to yourself/a player additions.command.giveitem
/additions givebook <book> [player] Give a book to yourself/a player additions.command.givebook
/additions openmenu <menu> [player] Open a menu for a player additions.command.openmenu
Custom Item (/customitem)
/customitem Get a list of custom item commands additions.command
/customitem create <name> Create a new custom item additions.command.customitem
/customitem remove <item> Remove a custom item additions.command.customitem
/customitem info <item> Get all info of a custom item additions.command.customitem
/customitem setamount <item> <amount> Set the material amount of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem setdisplayname <item> <display> Set the display name of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem setslot <item> <slot> Set the appearing inventory slot of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem setcooldown <item> <cooldown> Set the cooldown of an item in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) additions.command.customitem
/customitem setcooldownMessage <item> <message> Set the message to be displayed when an item is on cooldown additions.command.customitem
/customitem setpermission <item> <permission> Set the permission node of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem setNoPermission <item> <message> Set the no permission message of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem actions <item> Get a list of current action of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem addaction <item> <action> Add a new action string to the item additions.command.customitem
/customitem removeaction <item> <number> Remove an action string from the item additions.command.customitem
/customitem lore <item> Get a list of lore lines of an item additions.command.customitem
/customitem addlore <item> <lore> Add a new lore line to the item lore additions.command.customitem
/customitem removelore <item> <number> Remove a lore line from the item lore additions.command.customitem
Custom Command (/customcommand)
It is possible to create a command with multiple arguments (containing spaces). If you want to edit a command with multiple arguments, put where the argument <name> as displayed below between double quotation marks (").
Example: /cc addaction "help party" [message]&dParty help:
/customcommand list Get a list of custom commands additions.command.commands
/customcommand create <name> Create a new custom command additions.command.commands
/customcommand remove <name> Remove an existing custom command additions.command.commands
/customcommand addaction <name> <action> Add a new action to the custom command additions.command.commands
/customcommand removeaction <name> <number> Remove a number from the custom command actions additions.command.commands
/customcommand actions <name> Get a list of custom command actions additions.command.commands
/customcommand setpermission <name> <permission> Set the permission node of a custom command additions.command.commands
/customcommand setNoPermission <name> <message> Set the no permission message of a custom command additions.command.commands
/customcommand setcooldown <name> <cooldown> Set the cooldown of a custom command in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) additions.command.commands
/customcommand setcooldownMessage <name> <message> Set the message to be displayed when a command is on cooldown additions.command.commands
/customcommand setregistered <name> <true/false> Set whether or not the command should be registered to bukkit additions.command.commands
Custom Menu (/custommenu)
/custommenu Get a list of custom menu commands additions.command
/custommenu create Create a new custom menu. This will open the menu editor. If you already editing a menu, this will resume the one you're creating additions.command.custommenu
/custommenu discard Discard the menu you're currently creating. This cannot be undone, so be careful! additions.command.custommenu
/custommenu save <name> Save the menu you're currently creating/editing. This will save the changes to the file (somename.yml) additions.command.custommenu