- You must have the SkywarsReloaded plugin installed and running.
- You must have installed the Holographic Displays plugin.
Step 1
In order to use Holograms, you will need to have the option holograms.enabled set to true in the config.yml (see image). Once you've done that, you go to the leaderboards section in the config.yml. You will have to enable all stats you want to use their. By default is only the ELO stat enabled. Now reload the plugin using /sw reload

Step 2
Now go to your the folder plugins>Skywars and open the holograms.yml file. In this file, all formats are stored. You will see a section for all stat types (ELO, wins, kills, etc.). It's not possible to add your own stat, but it is possible to create your own format. Formats are the subsections you see in the stat type sections. For ELO it's leaders and topplayer by default. You can add, change, remove formats if you want. Then reload the plugin again.
Step 3
Now you can create your holograms using the ingame command: /sw hologram [stat] [format]. As you read in the previous step, is the [stat] variable the stat type. So this could be either wins, kills, deaths, ELO, losses or XP The [format] variable are formats of those stat types, as you also read in the previous step. An example command could be /sw hologram elo leaders where 'elo' is the stat, and 'leaders' the format. A hologram will now be placed at your eye location.